kids toysGreat way to keep the kids’ toys organized!

A fresh look at an old place

If you’ve maxed out the conventional hiding spaces for your shoes and you’re still not done tucking them away, it’s time to take a fresh look at your closet and shelving options that you may not have considered.

Look up. Most closets are the same height inside as the ceiling of the room they occupy, but most closet shelves are within easy reach. There’s a good chance that there are at least a couple feet of unused space in the top of your closet just screaming for shoe storage. Adding one closet-length shelf several inches above whatever you have in there now will provide room for possibly dozens of pairs of shoes to be stored in their boxes (or if only six inches-or-so are available, just the shoes). Of course, you won’t want to put shoes you need very often up there, as you’ll probably need a step stool to retrieve them, but it’s perfect for the ones that you almost never wear but can’t bear to part with.

Look down. There is probably some room underneath your clothes as well. Take a look at the space where your shorter hanging items are and see if there’s room to add some shelves in that space. Even if there’s just a little bit of space there, it may be the perfect spot to keep your more frequent selections where you won’t have to crawl on the floor to retrieve them.

Closet Hangers

If you’ve got more room on the clothes bar than you do on the floor of the closet, then you should consider a shoe holder that hangs in the closet, or on the back of the door. If you have the room, use more than one so you can group types or colors of shoes together.

Less is More: Creative Closet Design for Small Spaces

As society begins shifting towards a philosophy of ‘less is more,’ we have seen the rise of smaller homes, the shortening of ingredient labels, and the celebration of slowing down. But as these welcome changes take place in our environments and in our minds, the truth remains that minimalism must be supremely designed. If a smaller microchip doesn’t always entail a reduction of storage capacity, then a smaller closet space doesn’t need to either. With the proper closet organizers and closet accessories, Tailored Living can make your little closet feel like a trip into Narnia.

Before taking on a closet organization project, there are many points of consideration. One of the first closet areas we are all guilty of neglecting is the overhead space. While most people have some kind of shelving installed, only a few forward-thinkers take advantage of pull-down racks and pull-down rods. Faster than pulling out a wobbly stepping chair, and with more space efficiency than your current baskets or shoe boxes, these closet organizers give you an entirely new hanging rod, right above the one you already have.

After displacing all those shoes that used to rest hidden atop your singular rack, you’ll need a place to put them. With a custom shoe rack made with our professional consultants, you can use this closet accessory outside your closet so that it can be as tall as you can safely reach, and as wide as will appease your insatiable appetite for great shoes. Alternatively, to return to the ‘less is more’ approach, we can strategize and install a shoe rack that fits snugly and discreetly within your small closet.

Tailored Living can also help you select pullout drawers complete with custom dividers, or jewelry drawers made for your accessory storing needs. Our home organization specialists can provide a vast array of cutting-edge closet organization tools, with the knowledge of how best to utilize them. Each of our team members knows exactly what questions to ask to get the job done easily, efficiently, and expertly the first time.

Extra Counter Space

Extra Counter SpaceAn extendable counter surface gives you a little extra room when you need it most or room to invite a friend or two to lend a hand. By Rev- a- Shelf.

Garmet Rod

Garmet RodAn extendable garment rod holds hanging clothing to prevent wrinkles.

Display Your Favorite Collections

shelvingCustom open shelving shown in Chocolate Pear, featuring integrated lighting perfect for showing off your favorite things.

overhead racksOrganize your garage with these overhead racks

kids toysGreat idea to organize kids toys!